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ONE is an educational space, designed as a stimulating workshop to inspire kids and foster interaction, inquisitive attitude and independent thinking. Flexible elements, folding doors, sliding walls, colored narrow passages and furniture elements made of recycled rubber, invite kids to discover, change and flexibly shape their own playing and learning environment in creative ways. Back bone of the project is the long and smooth cavernous corridor working like an over-scaled magic Gulliver funnel: it starts in the entrance as a a large inviting gate and it further shrinks to a narrow passage, letting visitors feel becoming suddenly bigger or smaller. ONE旨在为儿童提供教育性的空间,并激励其积极互动交流,增强好奇心与独立思考的能力。充满灵活性的空间元素,比如折叠门、可移动墙体、充满色彩的狭小通道以及被回收橡胶材质包裹着的家具,都在邀请儿童对所处环境进行探索、交互从而创意性地打造充满趣味的不断变化着的空间。该项目的核心是狭长且流畅的隧道形走廊,如同一个巨大的漏斗将人带入格列佛的奇妙故事之中:走廊以一个巨大的入口为开端,随着穿行逐渐缩小尺寸,人在其中也产生仿佛忽大忽小的变化心理感受。