" Welcome! We experiment with materials and thoughts. What drives us is the challenge that comes with every project, the excitement of research, making mistakes, trying again and creating. "
STUDIO RAMOPRIMO is a Beijing based architectural design practice founded by Italian architects Marcella Campa and Stefano Avesani in 2008 working in between Italy and China. The studio’s name refers to the way they call in Venice some hidden lane and it’s the Italian translation of the Chinese term Tou Tiao, which indicates the first lane of a series of Hutong alleys in old Beijing carrying the same progressive name. It marks the beginning of a newly born urban process. Our design projects range from urban planning to architecture, interior design and graphics. Main focus of the studio is the interaction between the social and the build environment offering at different scales vibrant design solutions for any contemporary urban living need. In parallel with the design practice the studio is involved on the INSTANT HUTONG project [www.instanthutong.com], investigating contemporary process of rapid urbanization in China, relations between social and physical aspects of everyday environment and ways for people to reinterpret the urban landscape.
Studio RAMOPRIMO and its partners have been awarded the international Archiprix prize in Glasgow in 2005, Movin’Up prize in 2009, Pollock-Krasner grant in 2010, the third prize at the best Young Italian Architects Award in Venezia in 2012 and the bronze prize at China International Space Design Award in Beijing in 2016. RAMOPRIMO has been invited to take part to the World Economic Forum in Dalian in 2013 for a panel about Creativity and the Creative Process and to the exhibition Erasmus Effect at MAXXI Museum in Rome in 2014 as selected representative of Italian architectural practices working abroad. In 2017 the studio was invited to participate to the "The World in Our Eyes" exhibition as part of the Triennale of Architecture in Lisbon, Portugal.
STUDIO RAMOPRIMO - 头条.计画.建筑.设计是由意大利建筑师马吃辣(marcella)和思凡诺(stefano)于2008年开创的,业务领域为意大利和中国。建筑事务所的名字来源于历史城市威尼斯的隐喻。与此同时,名字本身也映射了中国本地城市文化,因为头条的意大利译文表达了古老的北京胡同以条来命名的含义,它标志着一个新生城市建设的开端。我们的主要项目领域为从城市规划到建设、室内设计、制图学、公共艺术活动及安装。头条建筑集中精力致力于社会与建筑环境之间的互动,并根据不同规模,提供适应当代城市生活需求的充满活力的设计解决方案。近些年,头条计画建筑被授予了几个重要的国际奖项和认可,同时于2014年在少有的在立足中国并具有代表性的意大利建筑师中脱颖而出,很荣幸地被选中参加了罗马MAXXI博物馆关于海外意大利建筑师实践作品展。该工作室还与“速溶胡同”项目艺术领域非常活跃(www.instanthutong.com)。
马吃辣和思凡诺毕业于意大利威尼斯建筑学院。自2000年以来就开始研究中国城市都市化进程和城市的变化。他们2005年因关于北京和上海老城区的双人项目获得“全球建筑毕业设计大奖”(Archiprix International)。2005年10月他们移居中国开始“速溶胡同”项目,并多次参加中国和国际展览。马吃辣2010年获彼洛克-克拉斯那基金会(Pollock-Krasner Foundation)资助。他们现居住在北京。
“ 我们的研究探讨中国急剧都市化的进程,专注于日常环境的社会和物理层面之间的关系,并试图找寻重新解读都市景观的不同方法。对我们而言,城市的面貌是人们与其栖息地相互作用所形成的。都市分析为研究居住者和他们的生活方式提供了一种更为深刻,街头式的方法,体验、时间、路径、观察、偶遇和想法最终变得和建筑环境一样重要。我们希望用“微观城市互动”来表述我们的创作,它提出这样一种可能性,将小规模的都市空间临时用作公共平台,在这个平台上,观众的反应成为事件的主体。 ”
______ 马吃辣,思凡诺
partners Marcella Campa, Stefano Avesani
project managers Zhao Xinyi 赵心怡, Giacomo Squaquara, Zhang Nan 张楠
Past collaborators Wang Wenwen 王雯雯, Du Huayu 杜华钰, Giulia Albertini, Jia Chen 贾晨, Lisa Montanari Mirta Ciari, Yang Que 杨雀, Sara Scotti, Valentina Simoncini, Du Chang, Huo Ran 霍燃, Momo Andrea Destro, Pietro Peyron, Liu Kai 刘锴
2020 BUILD Magazine Architecture Awards 2020, “Best Food & Beverage Retail Architecture Practice – China”
2020 BUILD Magazine Architecture Awards 2020, “Most Innovative Completed Food Court Design (China): Green Option Food Court project”
2017 Restaurant & Bar Design Awords, Shortlisted, London
2016 IDG - China International Space Design Award, Bronze Award, Beijing
2012 Young Italian Architects Award, 3rd prize, Venice, Italy
2011 Celeste Prize, finalists, New York, USA
2010 Pollock-Krasner Foundation, grant, New York, USA
2009 Movin’Up – Italian Artists Abroad, grant, Turin, Italy
2005 Archiprix International 2005, Hunter Douglas Award, 1st prize, Glasgow
2020 BUILD Magazine Architecture Awards 2020, “Most Innovative Completed Food Court Design (China): Green Option Food Court project”
2017 Restaurant & Bar Design Awords, Shortlisted, London
2016 IDG - China International Space Design Award, Bronze Award, Beijing
2012 Young Italian Architects Award, 3rd prize, Venice, Italy
2011 Celeste Prize, finalists, New York, USA
2010 Pollock-Krasner Foundation, grant, New York, USA
2009 Movin’Up – Italian Artists Abroad, grant, Turin, Italy
2005 Archiprix International 2005, Hunter Douglas Award, 1st prize, Glasgow
2012 Yanqing Greenhouse and Grape Garden, 1st prize, architecture and landscape design competition, Yanqing
2011 Xishan Villa Masterplan, 2nd prize, invited competition, Beijing
2008 Shenyang Music and Art Center, honorable mention, architectural competition, Shenyang
2007 MoMA Chengdu, 1st prize, invited architectural competition, Chengdu
2003 Harbourpolis - Hafen-city, honorable mention, open masterplan competition, Hamburg
2002 Tiriciclo, 1st prize, product design competition, Jury headed by Ettore Sottsass, Palermo
2002 PSGD, 1st prize, landscape design competition, Ascoli Piceno, Italy
2011 Xishan Villa Masterplan, 2nd prize, invited competition, Beijing
2008 Shenyang Music and Art Center, honorable mention, architectural competition, Shenyang
2007 MoMA Chengdu, 1st prize, invited architectural competition, Chengdu
2003 Harbourpolis - Hafen-city, honorable mention, open masterplan competition, Hamburg
2002 Tiriciclo, 1st prize, product design competition, Jury headed by Ettore Sottsass, Palermo
2002 PSGD, 1st prize, landscape design competition, Ascoli Piceno, Italy
2019 Countless Cities, Biennial Exhibition of Cities, Favara (Sicily), Italy
2016 The World in Our Eyes, at Triennale of Architecture, Lisbon, Portugal
2016 Trans-Design, Ideas in Action, Shanghai Art&Design, West Bund Art Center, Shanghai
2015 Hutong Materials Catalogue ( 胡同建筑物材目录), Beijing Design Week – Design Hop, Dashilar Pilot, Beijing
2015 DOUBLE HAPPINESS ( 双喜:城市公共服务系统) , Pilot Project for BJDW, Beijing Design Week – Design Hop, Dashilar Pilot
2015 Reverse the Perspective, group exhibition of foreign artists in China, Xiangsi Art Museum, Tianjin
2015 Reverse the Perspective, group exhibition of foreign artists in China, MEBO space art gallery, Beijing
2015 180 Canvases for Lane Crawford, LC’s stores in Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu and Hong Kong
2014 Across Chinese Cities – BEIJING at Venice Biennale2014 Across Chinese Cities – BEIJING at Venice Biennale
2014 International Architecture Exhibiition La Biennale di Venezia, Venice, Italy
2014 BeijingONE Art Festival - Look at My Bag! 看看我的包!, Beijing, GuoZi Jian Area
2014 180 Canvases - 180 个画面, Arrow Factory Art Space, Beijing
2014 Erasmus Effect – Italian Architects Abroad MAXXI, Museum of the Arts of XXI century, Rome, Italy
2013 CREATIVE©ITIES Project - Mapping creativity in Asia-Pacific's cities Pier-2 Art Center, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2013 Qi Yun Zhong Guo - ExhibitionnKunming, China
2013 Discoveries Art 家, Dong Hu Bie Shu, Beijing
2012 BLINKING CITY at CCD The Community BJDW - Beijing Design Week 2012, Cao Chang Di Village, Beijing
2012 Switch On Ordos, Ordos, Inner Mongolia, China
2012 Switch On Lighting Design Festival, Ditan Park, Beijing, China
2012 Microurbanism Interactions, Landgent Center Tower A, Beijing, China
2012 Mass Metamorphosis, LDDC - Liang Dian Design Center, Beijing, China
2011 Celeste Prize Exhibition, The Invisible Dog Art Center, Brooklyn, New York
2011 Opening Exhibition at Grace Beijing, Grace Beijing Art Hotel, Art Zone 798, Beijing, China
2011 Shared Space - Spazi Comuni inside the exhibition “Italia Comes to You”, B06- 797, no.2 Jiu Xianqiao Rd, Art Zone 798, Beijing
2011 The 54th InternationalArt Exhibition of Venice Biennale, Italian Pavilion in the World, Arsenale, Venice, Italy
2011 Shared Space - Spazi Comuni, Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Beijing, China
2011 Danno d’immagine – Group exhibition, ZaJia Lab Art Space, Beijing, China
2011 WOYOU – Beijing&Shanghai - TRAVELOGUES IN DESIGN, Salone Internazionale del mobile – Milan Design Week, Milano, Italy
2010 Do you hutong? 看!胡同, Three Shadows Photography Art Centre, Caochangdi, Beijing
2009 Urban Carpet, Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Beijing, China
2009 Urban Carpet 8x5, 5 different courtyard houses, Beijing, China
2009 Quotidiana 09, Palazzo Trevisan, Padova, Italy
2009 Beijing Map Games: Arte e Architettura a Pechino, CAOS – Centre for Contemporary Art Opificio Siri, Terni, Italy
2008 Beijing Map Games: Contemporary Art & Architecture in Beijing Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, UK
2008 Map Games: Dynamics Of Change Today Art Museum, Beijing, China
2007 Instant Hutong China Millennium Monument, Blue RockSpace, Beijing, China
2005 Archiprix 2005 Exhibition The Lighthouse - Scotland’s Centre for Architecture Design and the City, Glasgow, Scotland
2016 The World in Our Eyes, at Triennale of Architecture, Lisbon, Portugal
2016 Trans-Design, Ideas in Action, Shanghai Art&Design, West Bund Art Center, Shanghai
2015 Hutong Materials Catalogue ( 胡同建筑物材目录), Beijing Design Week – Design Hop, Dashilar Pilot, Beijing
2015 DOUBLE HAPPINESS ( 双喜:城市公共服务系统) , Pilot Project for BJDW, Beijing Design Week – Design Hop, Dashilar Pilot
2015 Reverse the Perspective, group exhibition of foreign artists in China, Xiangsi Art Museum, Tianjin
2015 Reverse the Perspective, group exhibition of foreign artists in China, MEBO space art gallery, Beijing
2015 180 Canvases for Lane Crawford, LC’s stores in Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu and Hong Kong
2014 Across Chinese Cities – BEIJING at Venice Biennale2014 Across Chinese Cities – BEIJING at Venice Biennale
2014 International Architecture Exhibiition La Biennale di Venezia, Venice, Italy
2014 BeijingONE Art Festival - Look at My Bag! 看看我的包!, Beijing, GuoZi Jian Area
2014 180 Canvases - 180 个画面, Arrow Factory Art Space, Beijing
2014 Erasmus Effect – Italian Architects Abroad MAXXI, Museum of the Arts of XXI century, Rome, Italy
2013 CREATIVE©ITIES Project - Mapping creativity in Asia-Pacific's cities Pier-2 Art Center, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2013 Qi Yun Zhong Guo - ExhibitionnKunming, China
2013 Discoveries Art 家, Dong Hu Bie Shu, Beijing
2012 BLINKING CITY at CCD The Community BJDW - Beijing Design Week 2012, Cao Chang Di Village, Beijing
2012 Switch On Ordos, Ordos, Inner Mongolia, China
2012 Switch On Lighting Design Festival, Ditan Park, Beijing, China
2012 Microurbanism Interactions, Landgent Center Tower A, Beijing, China
2012 Mass Metamorphosis, LDDC - Liang Dian Design Center, Beijing, China
2011 Celeste Prize Exhibition, The Invisible Dog Art Center, Brooklyn, New York
2011 Opening Exhibition at Grace Beijing, Grace Beijing Art Hotel, Art Zone 798, Beijing, China
2011 Shared Space - Spazi Comuni inside the exhibition “Italia Comes to You”, B06- 797, no.2 Jiu Xianqiao Rd, Art Zone 798, Beijing
2011 The 54th InternationalArt Exhibition of Venice Biennale, Italian Pavilion in the World, Arsenale, Venice, Italy
2011 Shared Space - Spazi Comuni, Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Beijing, China
2011 Danno d’immagine – Group exhibition, ZaJia Lab Art Space, Beijing, China
2011 WOYOU – Beijing&Shanghai - TRAVELOGUES IN DESIGN, Salone Internazionale del mobile – Milan Design Week, Milano, Italy
2010 Do you hutong? 看!胡同, Three Shadows Photography Art Centre, Caochangdi, Beijing
2009 Urban Carpet, Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Beijing, China
2009 Urban Carpet 8x5, 5 different courtyard houses, Beijing, China
2009 Quotidiana 09, Palazzo Trevisan, Padova, Italy
2009 Beijing Map Games: Arte e Architettura a Pechino, CAOS – Centre for Contemporary Art Opificio Siri, Terni, Italy
2008 Beijing Map Games: Contemporary Art & Architecture in Beijing Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, UK
2008 Map Games: Dynamics Of Change Today Art Museum, Beijing, China
2007 Instant Hutong China Millennium Monument, Blue RockSpace, Beijing, China
2005 Archiprix 2005 Exhibition The Lighthouse - Scotland’s Centre for Architecture Design and the City, Glasgow, Scotland
2013 Theory of Moments “Pic Nic Area”, Xian Yu Kou District, Beijing
2013 Theory of Moments “Double Happiness”, Xian Yu Kou District, Beijing
2013 White Night - Beijing Baiye: “FLUO HOUSE”, Dongsi area, DongCheng, Beijing
2012 Theory of Moments, around Xian Yu Kou District, Beijing
2011 Shufuland Music Festival: Chill Out Setting Installation, 2Kolegas, Chaoyang District, Beijing
2011 Blinking City Stencil, around Xian Yu Kou District, Beijing
2010/2011, “120 KM - CUN”, rural happenings, Hebei province villages, China
2010 Paglioni - street performance and installation, Hebei province countryside, China
2010 Load Capacity, collective performance at Instant Hutong Studio, Beijing, China
2009 Welcome back bricks!, HomeShop, Xiao Jing Chang Hutong, Beijing, China
2009 Carpet Surprise, Dongsi District, Chayangmennei Dajie, Fuchengmen and Sanbulao areas, Beijing, China
2013 Theory of Moments “Double Happiness”, Xian Yu Kou District, Beijing
2013 White Night - Beijing Baiye: “FLUO HOUSE”, Dongsi area, DongCheng, Beijing
2012 Theory of Moments, around Xian Yu Kou District, Beijing
2011 Shufuland Music Festival: Chill Out Setting Installation, 2Kolegas, Chaoyang District, Beijing
2011 Blinking City Stencil, around Xian Yu Kou District, Beijing
2010/2011, “120 KM - CUN”, rural happenings, Hebei province villages, China
2010 Paglioni - street performance and installation, Hebei province countryside, China
2010 Load Capacity, collective performance at Instant Hutong Studio, Beijing, China
2009 Welcome back bricks!, HomeShop, Xiao Jing Chang Hutong, Beijing, China
2009 Carpet Surprise, Dongsi District, Chayangmennei Dajie, Fuchengmen and Sanbulao areas, Beijing, China