designer Marcella Campa, Stefano Avesani location Beijing, Sanlitun, China function café, winebar area 60 sqm type Built client Private year 2016

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Brick patterns on walls, made of sliced traditional hutong bricks, play a central decorative role in the design of the wine bar. Insertions of black iron plates create zig-zag shaped shelves and displays for wine bottles. Concrete ceiling and exposed building pipes underline a sense of urbanity and re-appropriation. Yellow floor and large geometric chandeliers on ceiling strengthen the vibrant atmosphere of the space and evoke the surprise and festivity feeling of typical town festivals in south of Italy. 墙上的彩色漆砖图案,用传统胡同青砖切片制成,随着黑色铁艺黑板的插入,锯齿形货架和葡萄酒展示柜、定制的壁纸对整个红酒吧的设计起到重要的装饰作用。混凝土天花板和暴露的管道强调了将典雅风格重新分配。黄色的地板和几何枝形吊灯加强空间活跃感,唤起典型的意大利南部欢乐的城市节日气氛。